


Sangwon Kwak / 11th Artist


Kwak, Sang-won





2014      Korea National University of Arts, MFA

2010      Kyungwon University, BFA


Solo exhibition

2014     ’A swimming bird’ Imazoo gallery, Seoul

2013     ’accumulation of eyes/ hunting time’ Gallery 175, Seoul


Selected group exhibition

2016     ’room with six corners’ kumho museum,seoul

              ’the third sight’ ilhyun museum,gangwondo,yangyang

              ’Noir’ alternative space noon,suwon city

              ’not same less differnt’ gallery mark,seoul

              ’on cue’ concrete space bongbong,gangwondo,gangneung

2015     ’Mise-en-Scène’ space now and here,seoul

              ’Let’s Hang Whatever You Can Carry’ Space Onewwall, Seoul

              ’Potential symbol-selected emerging artist’ Shin Museum, Chungju city

              ’To resist oblivion’ Ansan Art center, Ansan city

2014     ’2014 Young creative’ Sungnam art center Cube Museum, Sungnam city

              ’Independence or infiltration’ Dongduk Gallery, Seoul

              ’Salon Today’ Common center, Seoul

              ’The graffiti’ Unofficial preview gallery, Seoul

              ’Cold edge’ Suckwan gallery in Korea National University, Seoul

              ’rising school’ Ilhyun Museum, Yangyang city

2013      ’Emerging artist selection’ Sungnam art center, Sungnam city

2011      ’Doors Art Fair Special program Open the doors’ Imperial palace Hotel, Seoul

              ’The arrow’ Gallery M, Daegu city

              ’A formula of the mind’s eye’ Gallery 175, Seoul

2010      ’Beast of best competition’ Doosan art center, Seoul

              ’The language game’ Sunggok Museum, Seoul

              ’Alternating Current: Asia- Balkans’ Beograd art college, Serbia


Art prize and residency

2015-2017    Kumho Art Studio, icheon, Gyeonggido

2015      ARKO Work Shop

2014      Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture/visual arts project

2013      Sungnam art center

2010      ’Beast of best competition’, Art in culture>