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Kumho Museum

A Glimpse of Our Time

A Glimpse of Our Time
2023. 8.16-10.22

Hyesoo PARK

Seungeun SONG

Seungwon YANG

Yongsun YOO

Jiyen LEE

Goyona JUNG


Mina HAM


Opening hours​

Tuesday-Sunday(Closed on Monday)
10:00 am ~ 6:00 pm (Final entrance at 5:30 pm)

Admission Fees
Adult : KRW 5,000 

Student :  KRW​ 4,000

Seniors/Military/Disabled/Youth :  KRW​ 3,000


The Kumho Museum of Art's special exhibition A Glimpse of Our Time explores contemporary senses and sentiments through visual art, paying attention

to the manifestation of modern civilization in our society. In company with the advancement of technology, life in modern cities becomes more convenient

day by day and gives us material abundance. In particular, as many areas of society have been rapidly digitized in recent years, the way we lead our lives has

also changed significantly, and as online platforms have become a major venue for activities, the speed of information distribution has accelerated. This

changing environment has a great impact on society as a whole and penetrates not only the social structure but also our perceptions and behaviors.

Eight participating artists, Hyesoo Park, Seungeun Song, Seungwon Yang, Yongsun Yoo, Jiyen Lee, Goyona Jung, Ahram Jeong, and Mina Ham, acutely

observe the surroundings in a rapidly changing world like this, consider the characteristics of individual and community life in a metropolis, and present

them in their own visual language. We hope that this exhibition will serve as a field for looking at and thinking about the current era from various perspectives

while ruminating on the present state.​