사진작가 한성필은 재현과 환영에서 자연과 인간의 관계, 문명과 지구 환경에 이르는 폭넓은 주제를 작업에서 다룬다. 금호미술관 초대전 《표면의 이면》은 한성필이 그동안 세계 각국을 다니며 촬영한 세 개의 연작과 영상 작업을 한 자리에서 선보인다.
The photographer Sungpil Han comments on topics ranging from representation and illusions, nature and human relations to civilization and the earthly environment through his work. Kumho Museum of Art presents his solo exhibition, Inverted Surfaces, composed of three series of photographs and a video produced when the artist was traveling to various sites around the world. The Façade series questions the essence of what is seen through our eyes. Capturing the dust screens on the construction sites, Han presents the distorted illusions of the buildings, offering a moment to ponder upon what is real and what is not. The Polar Heir series, the photographs of the Arctic Ocean and the Canadian Rocky Mountain, invites the viewers to be in awe of nature while reminding them of how rapid industrial development causes melting of glaciers and how serious the climate crisis is. The last series presented, Ground Cloud, captures the steam emanating from the nuclear power plants set in the middle of the serene landscape of a French suburb. Han's work invites the viewers to think beyond what is seen—beyond the grandeur of the images offered in front of their eyes.